Thursday, December 9, 2010


We visited a Mosque, A chinese Temple and a Hindu temple during our visit to China Town.
The Mosque was quite big and open with many stars and interesting designs.

The Chinese Temple was Red and Green with dragons all over the place.

The Hindu Temple was very colorful with many statues

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Field Trip

I like this picture because there is a well which isn't very natural. The well obviously is man-made.
This shows nature in every way possible. Water and Trees, sun shining through. You can see lots of growth, plants and dirt.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I Disagree

It is acceptable to remove a member of a society or group if he or she is thought to be inferior to the others?
No that is not acceptable. You should not have the right to remove someone just because you think they are superior to you. Take a vote or talk to the person, otherwise it is unacceptable. Make sure you have a good reason before you kick them out of your group.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What is a 'good' life?

What is a good life?
Well many people think a good life is fortune and fame. I know that it isn't what it's about. An ideal life would have some fortune but also some friends and family. The 3 F's. A good life for me is Love, Happiness, Hope and Appreciation for what you have. Whoever invented the world gave us enough to make do. I don't think he/she/it knew we had such smart people on Earth. We came into this world with nothing but family. Then you start off from their. In all the places I have been I have seen lesser people, and each one of them seemed happier than me. They knew what they had, and they made the best out of it. Someone asked me a question once, " Would you rather have 1,000,000 dollars and no family, or many family and friends but no family at all?" I don't think I would have been happy at all with no family. It would be nice but Very few people have 1,000,000 dollars and family and friends that love you. Someone might say " Life is hard " so I reply, " Compared to what? ".

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Tiger Rising

In my book The Tiger Rising I have just gotten to the 9th chapter and it's starting to get interesting.

" Rob had a way of not thinking about things. He imagined himself as a suitcase that was too full, like the one he had had packed when they moved from jacksonville after the funeral. He made all his feelings go inside the suitcase; he stuffed them in tight and sat on top of it. That was the way he not thought about things. Sometimes it was hard to keep the suitcase shut. But now he had something to put on top of it. The Tiger"

Which means he's trying to keep his feelings inside.

" Rob sat there and took it. If he fought back, It lasted longer. If he didn't fight back, Sometimes they got bored and left him alone."

Robs not very popular and gets picked on a lot because he doesn't care and because of his rash on his legs.

Rob doesn't have much of a personality until he meets Sistine. He's quiet and crying in the insides.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Tiger Rising Journey

The Journey to this book is him letting loose. Ever since his mother died he kept all his feelings locked in a suit-case, and on top of the suit-case is the tiger cage. He meets Sistine Bailey and begins to trust her and together they figure out that they cant lock up memories and tigers and heartache in a suit-case forever.

"To Rob, it seemed as if the tiger was some magic trick, rising out of the mist. He was so astounded at his discovery so amazed, that he stood and stared. But only for a minute; he was afraid to look at the tiger for too long, afraid that the tiger would disappear. He stared, and then he turned and ran back into the woods, towards the Kentucky Star. And the whole way home, while his brain doubted what he had seen, his heart beat out the truth to him
. Ti-ger. Ti-ger. Ti-ger."
pg.8 chapter 1.

My passage describes the journey of the book quite well I think, Because it's telling that he doesn't believe he found the tiger. He didn't want to look at it too long because he thought it would go away. But he knew it was real. It says, "as if the tiger was some magic trick, rising out of the mist." I think that secretly means that the tiger was rising out of his grief and pain from his mothers loss and this tiger is to help him get through it.