Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Tiger Rising Journey

The Journey to this book is him letting loose. Ever since his mother died he kept all his feelings locked in a suit-case, and on top of the suit-case is the tiger cage. He meets Sistine Bailey and begins to trust her and together they figure out that they cant lock up memories and tigers and heartache in a suit-case forever.

"To Rob, it seemed as if the tiger was some magic trick, rising out of the mist. He was so astounded at his discovery so amazed, that he stood and stared. But only for a minute; he was afraid to look at the tiger for too long, afraid that the tiger would disappear. He stared, and then he turned and ran back into the woods, towards the Kentucky Star. And the whole way home, while his brain doubted what he had seen, his heart beat out the truth to him
. Ti-ger. Ti-ger. Ti-ger."
pg.8 chapter 1.

My passage describes the journey of the book quite well I think, Because it's telling that he doesn't believe he found the tiger. He didn't want to look at it too long because he thought it would go away. But he knew it was real. It says, "as if the tiger was some magic trick, rising out of the mist." I think that secretly means that the tiger was rising out of his grief and pain from his mothers loss and this tiger is to help him get through it.

1 comment:

  1. Chloe, you justify, or defend the use of your quote very well! You interpret as signifying the journey that the boy is, and will be going through. I'll be very interested to hear more aout it!
