Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Otto Hauptmann

Otto Hauptmann works in a factory in Berlin. In 1923 he was not making so much money but the Union kept him employed. He thinks stabilizing will be the answer. In other factories Otto's friends work and they say that the older people are getting fired and the younger people are staying to work because they are more productive. Otto disagrees, saying the workers should take control of the factories and government. He thinks those jobs should be for the people who know what it is about.

I think that Otto Hauptmann would have voted for the Communist Party because the second platform rule is " The establishment of land reform programs, so that the government can take over the land and distribute it for common good." and in his little biography paper it said that stabilizing will be the answer. As rule 2 states the government will take all the land and share it evenly between everyone. This is why I think Otto Hauptmann voted for the Communist Party.

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